Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The noodle dream

I cannot be the only one that has had the noodle dream!?! Why are we in this business and what keeps us going? I get this question a lot. It's sure not the money. Even though that's really nice. Everyone has a passion, something we love to do. For the duck dad in Kung Fu Panda it was noodles. For me it's cake. Cake shows, cake art, cupcakes, pastry paintings, cupcake tattoos, all cake all the time. I am the duck dad. Sad for my poor little panda, Kaley. When I have a wedding cake I am in the zone. I am focused, jazzed and anxious. I dream it, and make it 100 times over and over in my head. Sometimes I see a crucial flaw in my design and am able to adjust my plans so it will work better. I giggle, hum and pray when I make a cake. I am in love like a teenager. I am so happy when I step back and look at it. So sad when something fails. Thats not often, THANK GOD. If you haven't had the noodle dream I feel you are not following your true path. My thoughts for the moment.


I am not a great photographer, especially with my phone. I saw this beautiful tulip on middle path this weekend and it reminded me of a tulip on acid. I thought it was just beautiful. God makes beautiful things. Beth, however, needs work sometimes. Of all gumpaste flowers the tulip is one of my worst. Aside from orchids and iris which are close to impossible. The tulip SHOULD be easy. I stink at it. So today is my salute to God for being able to make such a hard flower, and make it extra super fantastic!

Now for a shot of my flower. I know................ I am no supreme being> But I try! LOL!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

now at the cupcake

We are selling these beautiful handcrafted cupcake purses. Available now exclusively at the Pink Cupcake! One can be yours right now for the price of $24.99. A super deal! get one today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

more easter

We love when people think of us at the holidays! This fantastic egg is from Jamee. What? What is it you say?!? IT'S OUR LOGO! In all it's cupcake glory.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sassy cinny bun

This is the picture I awoke to this morning. It seems Sommer is feeling a bit sassy herself. (say that three times fast, sommer's sassy herself....) Anyhoo, I thought it was a cute one. We are recovering nicely from last weekend. Talking about spring and whatnot. Although, it's raining cats and dogs here. Isn't there a saying April showers..... Can't wait for those May flowers. We are planning a special surprise for you cupcake fans in May... So stay tuned!!

I really feel good abouot the way we prepared for this Easter. Next Holiday is Mother"s day. Also today I want to work on a new window theme for the front window. My self help journey is progressing rather slow. But it is progressing. Old habits are hard to kill. That sounds like the name of a horror movie about a serial killer and old nuns *shiver*. Oh my! Happy day before tax day! Beth

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter at the cupcake

If this works, you can see what we are up to here at the cupcake.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dr. Horrible

YAY! My first Dr. Horrible cake! If I was nice I would include a link but I don't have time to look it up and the minute I see it I will have to sit down and watch. For those who don't know, as if, it is an amazing show on you tube. it's actually called Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It is the best show EVER! I am a HUGE fan. Give it a look next time you have about 45 minutes to spare. I think there are about 5 episodes. Enjoy, Beth

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Artie Isaac

No picture today just ramblings. So....... I live on the outskirts of Gambier. Gambier, as most of you know, is home to Kenyon College. Last night I had just got home and sat down when my phone went off. I had forgotten I put a lecture down in my calendar. Sometimes the public is allowed to go to the speakers at Kenyon, something must have cought my eye about this one. So I told my hubby "I'm off to a lecture". He was not impressed.
When I arrived, I sat myself down with the college students and felt pretty awesome. Awesome until they bypassed me with the sign in form. (What!?!, I don't look like a 20 year old college student? Hurtful...lol.) Anywho, I was very surprised to see the speaker was a thin man with excentric hair (yup, the lady with pink hair is picking on him) and a bowtie. You don't see bowties often, shame really. What followed was one of the best lectures I have ever seen. Creativity was the title. I would like to encourage everyone to check out this guys site www.artieisaac.com . If I had any doubts about our business being the path we should take, they were erased. He was encouraging, quirky and very colorful. Three things I hold very dear to my heart. I only wish I had brought a paper and pencil to take notes. I did however have a chance to txt some stuff into my phone. Things I am going to do and blog about.....
#1 Ask 100 SMART people something they think I should know. And WRITE IT DOWN. I never write things down. I am so intrested in what I will learn. Brilliant idea really, thanks Artie.
#2 The cause of my anxiety is I do not have the knowledge to face my challenges. DUH! And I thought my crazy pills weren't working. So, my task is to GET SMARTER. LOL!
#3 Read a book. I have not read a book in ages. I am always running around and I don't sit still. I am going to read The Artists Way, by Cameron. Already talked to the book store lady and it is waiting for me.
So, three things. I think thats good. Hoping it will make me a better person and a better business owner. This guy is out of Columbus so I am hoping someday he will stop by the shop. Thats it for now, Beth