Sunday, August 17, 2008


A quick picture of what I would say is the most beautiful donut cake ever made. Completely made of donuts. Mmmmm.... it's making me hungry just looking at it. Sommer constructed this bad boy after dreaming about it's construction. Isn't that just so cool! We researched donut cakes on the web and NOTHING was even close. I think it is just the best feeling when we come up with something totally new and never been done before in the cake world. I guarantee someone somewhere will see this and we will see these popping up. This cake is actually a grooms cake, the brides cake is a lovely 3 tiered pink fondant cake. I am planning to post some pictures of this weekends work on my flickr. It was so busy this week I didn't take any photos of any special occasion cakes, Just wedding stuff. Thats really the cool stuff anyway. Be sure to check out the flickr site and let me know what you think. Till next time, Beth


cakegrl said...

LOL love it, it is by far the prettiest donut cake I've seen! (search redneck cakes Beth) And it's making me hungry too, my sweet tooth is getting louder while I look at it! Way to go Sommer! Another fab creation.

Unknown said...

I recently purchased a 2-tiered cake for a retirement party at work. I had never purchased anything from The Pink Cupcake before, so I was a little concerned how the cake would look and taste. My concerns were quickly turned into feelings of pride (because I chose them to make the cake) and warm thanks (to Sommer and Beth) as people started commenting how incredible the cake was! Of course I told everyone where I purchased the cake and how professional the entire transaction was!

Now, I've had a lot of cake in my day, and I can tell you with all honesty that this cake was THE BEST cake I've EVER HAD! Approximately 50 other people who were at the party agreed with me, so I know it isn't just me!

When I picked up the cake, I also bought a muffin because I was starving, and even the muffin was amazing! It was unlike any other muffin I've ever had (it was one of the strawberry-orange muffins they make)! Amazing, simply amazing!

Thanks to Sommer and Beth for having the courage and dedication to open their own bakery in the small town of Mount Vernon, OH and for having the talent to make such delicious treats!