Saturday, August 2, 2008

He...... lives in a pineapple.....

Hi everyone, This is Sommer. It's so great t finally get a chance to write on here. I guess I should tell you a bit about our weekend. We had no weddings. Sad, but a welcomed rest. We had some great cakes go out this weekend.

We did a great 3d spongebob and crabby patty. Thats a number 5 on the top of the bun. A huge bridal shower cake and a lot of other misc. cakes. It was a really great and creative week. We are looking forward to the Dan Emmett Festival coming up starting on the 7th. We hope to have a lot of great pictures to share from that. It's always so exciting to have downtown so busy and it's also a great chance to connect with everyone in person. Be sure to stop in and say hi to Beth and myself when you come down to the shop. Enjoy your week and we will see you soon!

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