Sunday, October 5, 2008

Homecoming at the pink cupcake

Can you tell we love Jim Perry here at the cupcake? Homecoming went of well. The girls looked beautiul in their dresses. what? You want to see some pictures? Lets see what I can do.
This is Allison (Not my kid), Steven (also, not mine) and Arie (mine). My other daughter would kill me if I put her picture on here. Trust me, she was beautiul. We lost the game, who really pays attention to that anyway?LOL! The girls reported that everyone had a great time.
Our window reflected (get it?) our support for the team and our support for football player, Jim Perry. Uncle Dave's son. I love small town life here in Mount Vernon. We watched the parade go by the shop and everyone went to the bonfire. So cool all the kids go to school together and Sommer's family is HUGE and has really adopted us. It's really wonderful.
Lucky for us the yellow jacket's colors are orange and black (not sure why? wouldn't it be yellow? I digress.) Anywho, we can switch right over to halloween. I am really excited for some scary halloween cakes and maybe a wedding cake. Hopefully we can start on that monday after I wash the window. Thats it for now. It was a super busy weekend. Not many pictures. One wedding in Coshocton. You can check out the pix on the flickr site.

1 comment:

cakegrl said...

Because you love me so much I get access to your private photos and both the girls are gorgeous! I can't believe how much they've grown up. Best of luck to the home team! And good luck with that window LOL!