I have been very deep in thought lately. About a number of things really. This last weekend we had opportunity to to mentor a vocationvocationer. I love the chance to teach someone something. What ended up happening was she taught me a few things. Her attitude, what a great attitude she had. If we all conducted our lives with such a positive outlook and grace what a wonderful world it would be. She, Lisa, came to us to see if opening a bakery may be something she would like to do. By the time Lisa left I knew Lisa could do ANYTHING she wanted to do. She had a fantastic attitude, took direction and absorbed everything we said like a sponge. The photo on the blog is the cake she made for our window. Now remember, Lisa never really made a cake before. The natural ability flowed like a river out of her. I have to wonder if there is anything she CAN'T do. How inspirational she was! She was like a kid in a candystore all weekend long. Just so happy and grateful to be around the cake. It really makes me remember why we do what we do. How blessed the cake world will be is she does decide to do this. Her and her husband are the kind of people who leave an impression wherever they go. Some people have that gift. I am glad they use it positively.
I truly enjoyed this last weekend and it has me very thankful to be doing something that I enjoy so much. I really am left with the feeling that I can do anything I want to do. Right now I want to do this.