Monday, June 16, 2008


Hi all! Beth here. I have discovered a few new internet thing. If you go on under search person princesscuppycake01 you can see some of our stuff. Whoo Hoo! I love the internet! Fun fun fun! GOBA is in town the next 2 days so maybe we'll get some shots of us and our new bike friends. Thanks for reading, Bethy

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Graduation weekend phase one

Beth here-
First day open after the big graduation blowout. I lost count after 48 cakes. Two wedding cakes and a grooms cake. It was a pretty fantastic weekend. Some small bumps in the road but all good for the most part. This weekend should be fantastic also. No pictures were taken. I hope to get some this weekend.
We have our first vocation vacation confirmation today. For sometime in July. I am very excited about that. So all good news here at the pink cupcake.
XOXO, Beth